Saturday, October 11, 2008

.october bunco night at britney's and blog giveaway.

This month marks the one year anniversary of our bunco group! We had a blast Halloween style with everyone dressing up in costume. It was such a fun night, thanks everyone!

My 5 year old told me the next day that the "army guy" was his favorite! Yeah, so Amber was a hunter...but close. And Gage my 3 year old said he liked Bob the Builder best, funny huh Jamie!

In lieu of me winning both the grand prize and the traveler prize, (kinda lame) I have decided to do our first blog giveaway! Vote on the best costume and the winner will get my traveler prize! You have one week to vote so do it now!!


The Griffin Crew said...

thanks Brit for adding the pics I love them!! Thanks for adding the recipe those were so GOOD!!

Annie said...

You are so dang fun Brit! Great Idea! Love it!!!